Urethral Stricture occurs predominately in males. It is the occurrence of scarring in the urethra, usually from infection or injury. The scarring can lead to obstruction of urine flow from the bladder.
The urethra is a tube through which urine drains from the bladder to the outside. In women, the urethra is short and straight. Urethral stricture disease is fairly uncommon in women. In men the urethra is longer and not straight. There are two primary sections. The posterior urethra includes the prostatic urethra, which travels through the prostate, and the membranous urethra, which travels through the urethral sphincter. The anterior urethra is longer and includes the bulbous urethra which is a curved portion of the urethra behind the scrotum, the penile urethra which courses the length of the penis and the urethral meatus, which is the opening to the outside.