Kidney stones are quite common and can be associated with severe pain, nausea and vomiting.
It is estimated that 11% of men and 7% of women will experience a symptomatic kidney stone episode at some point in their lives. Prior to an episode, stones are often ‘silent’ and not associated with any symptoms whatsoever. However, stones of any size can cause severe problems such as pain, nausea and fever or chills when they obstruct urine flow from the kidney. Large stones may cause a variety of other problems including chronic infections, visible blood in the urine and even long term damage to the kidney. The providers at AAUrology have vast experience in diagnosing, treating and kidney stone prevention.
Fortunately, most stones can be treated with minimally invasive alternatives. At AAUrology, we have surgeons with special training in kidney stone treatment who can provide optimal care to get you ‘stone free’ and a follow-up care program designed to keep you that way.