Vasectomy is a minor surgery that should take about 20 minutes whereby the urologist makes one or two small cuts in the scrotum and removes a segment of the tube, called the vas deferens, that transmit sperm from the testicles to the prostate.
After a small incision is made, one vas deferens tube is lifted out of the scrotum, cut, tied and/or sealed with heat cautery. The tube is replaced inside the scrotum and the procedure is then repeated on the other side. The skin is closed with sutures that dissolve and do not have to be removed.
Another popular option is a no-scalpel vasectomy. In this procedure, a small clamp with pointed ends is used to puncture the skin. Then each vas deferens is lifted out, cut, sealed and then put back in place. A no-scalpel vasectomy works just as well as a standard vasectomy.